2003 |
2009 nach oben
Georg Lukas, Michael Schulze
MLCCA Multi-Level Composability Check Architecture for
Dependable Communication over Heterogeneous Networks
In Proceeding of the 14th International Conference on Emerging
Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2009), IEEE, Mallorca, Spain,
September, 22-26, 2009
Georg Lukas,
Christian Fackroth
WMNSec - Security for Wireless Mesh Networks
Proceedings of the 2009 - IWCMC - International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing, Germany - Leipzig, June 21-24, 2009
Georg Lukas,
André Herms,
E. Nett,
Svilen Ivanov
Dependable Wireless Mesh Networks: An integrated approach
International Journal of parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, April 2, 2009
Volume 24, Issue 2 April 2009, pages 151-169
2008 nach oben
Timo Lindhorst,
André Herms,
Michael Schulze
Einsatz einer Echtzeit-Publish/Subscribe-Kommunikation für die Teleoperation mobiler Roboter
Fachtagung des GI/GMA - Fachausschusses Echtzeitsysteme, Boppard, November 27-28, 2008
Aktuelle Anwendungen in Technik und Wirtschaft, Wolfgang A. Halang, Peter Holleczek
E. Nett,
Svilen Ivanov,
Fault-Tolerant Coverage Planning in Wireless Networks
27th IEEE Int. Symposium on Reliable Distributed Sytems (SRDS), Naples, Italy, October 6-8, 2008
ISBN: 978-0-7695-3410-7 Seiten 175-184
E. Nett,
Svilen Ivanov,
Georg Lukas ,
Distributed Event Synconization for Diagnosing Wireless Mesh Networks
Int. Workshop on Dependable Network Computing and Mobile Systems (DNCMS 08); Naples, Italy, October 5th, 2008
in conjunction with the 27th IEEE Int. SRDS 2008
Svilen Ivanov
Georg Lukas ,
Stefan Schemmer,
Monitoring and Diagnosis for Wireless Real-Time Applications
10. Wirless Technologies Kongresses 2008, Bochum 22-23.09.2008, ISBN
978-3-89838-608-1, 158-166
André Herms,
Michael Schulze,
Publish/Subscribe Middleware für Selbstorganisierende Drahtlose Multi-Hop-Netzwerke,
Workshop über Selbstorganisierende, Adaptive, Kontextsensitive verteilte Systeme, 2008
E. Nett,
Svilen Ivanov,
Georg Lukas
André Herms,
An Integrated Approach for Reliability and Dependability of Wireless Mesh Networks,
13th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems DPDNS '08, 2008
E. Nett,
Svilen Ivanov,
André Herms,
Feedback-controlled WLAN: Achieving Channel-Availability in Mesh Networks,
in '7th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA08), 10 - 12 July, Cambridge, MA USA'.
E. Nett,
André Herms,
Stefan Schemmer,
Real-Time Mesh Networks for Industrial Applications,
Proceedings of 17th International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress (IFAC'08), Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
E. Nett,
Svilen Ivanov, Stefan Schemmer,
Automatic WLAN Localization for Industrial Automation, in '7th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2008), May 20-23, 2008, Dresden, Germany'.
André Herms,
Georg Lukas
Preventing Admission Failures of Bandwidth Reservation in Wireless Mesh Networks,
Proceedings of Workshop on Radio Resource Management in Wireless Mesh Networks in The 6th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systenms and Applications (AICCSA'08), Qatar, April, 2008
2007 nach oben
André Herms,
Georg Lukas,
Svilen Ivanov,Stefan Schemmer
Echtzeitfähigkeit für Mesh-Netzwerke in der Automatisierung
SPS/IPC/Drives 2007, Elektrische Automatisierung - Systeme und Komponenten, Nürnberg, 27.- 29.11.2007
André Herms,
Georg Lukas
A Pragmatic Approach for QOS in Wireless Mesh Networks
Proceedings of WinsSys '07, Bacelona, Spain, 2007
WINSYS 2007, ISBN:978-989-8111-14-2, pp. 57-64.
André Herms,
Georg Lukas,
Svilen Ivanov,
Measurement-Based Detection of Interfering Neighbors for QoS in Wireless Mesh Networks
Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, 2007. 16th IST, Budapest,Hungary 1-5 July 2007
André Herms,
Georg Lukas,
Svilen Ivanov,
Precise Admission Control for Bandwidth Reservation in Wireless Mesh Networks
Proceedings of 4th Intl. Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks
MASS'07, Pisa, Italy, October, 2007
E. Nett, Svilen Ivanov, Stefan Schemmer
Planning Available WLAN in Dynamic Production Environments
FeT'2007, 7th IFAC International Conference on Fieldbuses and Networks in Industrial and Embedded Systems, Toulouse, France, November 7 - 9, 2007
Svilen Ivanov, Stefan Schemmer
Lokalisierung im WLAN – Neue Möglichkeiten und ihre Grenzen
9. Wirless Technologies Kongresses 2007, Stuttgart 18-19.09.2007
E. Nett, C. Tres, L. Buss Becker
Real-Time Tasks Scheduling with Value Control to Predict Timing Faults during Overload
10th IEEE International Symposium on Object and component-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC 2007), May 7-9 2007, Santorini, Greece
Svilen Ivanov,
André Herms,
Georg Lukas
Experimental Validation of the ns-2 Wireless Model using Simulation, Emulation, and Real Network
In Proceedings of the
4th Workshop on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (WMAN'07)
in conjunction with the
15th ITG/GI - Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS'07),
26. February - 2. March 2007 in Bern, Switzerland,
VDE Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8007-2980-7, pp. 433-444.
2006 nach oben
Manuela Kanneberg, Edgar Nett Roboterwettbewerbe als Benchmark für mechatronische Systeme,
4. Internationale Maschinenbaukonferenz COMEC 2006, 7.-9.11.2006, Santa Clara, Cuba
André Herms,
Georg Lukas,
Svilen Ivanov
Realism in Design and Evaluation of Wireless Routing Protocols
In Proceedings of First international Workshop on Mobile Services and Personalized Environments (MSPE'06)
Spiro Trikaliotis,
Georg Lukas
Evaluating a Clock Synchronization for Dependable Sensor Networks
In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, DPDNS Workshop, Rhodes Island, Greece 2006
Manuela Kanneberg, M. Müllerberg, J. Börding, U. Peterson, G. Theidig
Girls Day - Mädchen-Zukunftstag und mehr, Projekte zur Berufsorientierung von Mädchen W.Bertelsmann Verlag, ISBN 3-7639-3468-5,
pp. 133-139.
Spiro Trikaliotis, Jörg Diederich
Utilizing a Fault-Tolerance Protocol for Colocation Interfering Cells in a
Wireless Network, In Workshop Proceedings 19 th International Conference on
Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2006) , 16. März 2006, Frankfurt am
Main, ISBN 3-88579-175-7, S. 106-115
Spiro Trikaliotis,
Guido Hiertz.
Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede von WLAN und Mesh-Netzen
c't Magazin für Computertechnik, 02/2006, pp. 198-203.
2005 nach oben
C. Tres, E. Nett, L. Buss Becker
Controlling Real-Rime Tasks Schedule Using the Value Parameter
Proc. 8th Brazilian Workshop on Real-Time Systems (WTR 2006), Curituba, Brasilien, Juni 2006
Becker, L.B.,E. Nett, S. Schemmer , and M. Gergeleit.
Robust Scheduling in Team-Robotics
Journal of Systems and Software,77(1), p. 3-16, 2005 (statt 2003)
Schemmer, S. and E. Nett
Achieving Reliable and Timely Task Execution in Mobile Embedded Applications
Int. Journal of Computer System Science and Engineering, 2005
M. Kanneberg , K. Vosseberg
Experimentierworkshop: Frauen erobern Roboter
in Frauenarbeit und Informatik 30, November 2005, S. 41-42, ISSN 0944-0925
E. Nett
WLAN in Automation - More Than an Academic Excercise? (Link)
Dependable Computing - Second Latin-American Symposium, LADC 2005, Salvador, Brazil, October 2005 Proceedings, (Seite 4), Springer Verlag
E. Nett, Miroslaw Malek, Neeraj Suri (Herausgeber)
Service Availability (Link)
Second International Service Availibility Symposium, ISAS 2005, Berlin, Germany, April 2005 Revised Selected Papers
ISBN : 3-540-29103-2, Springer Verlag, 211 Seiten
E. Nett, M. Kanneberg
Kooperative Roboter im studentischen Softwarepraktikum
35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.(GI); 19.-22.September in Bonn, Germany; Informatik 2005 - Informatik LIVE Band 1 S. 153 ISBN: 3-88579-396-2
Kooperative Roboter im studentischen Softwarepraktikum.pdf © by Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Bonn 2005
Manfred Deutscher, Marcel Katz, Sven Krüger
Sensing and Rating different Environmental States: A basic Approach exemplified on Moving in Unknown Terrain
35, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI); 19.-22.September in Bonn, Germany; Band 2
Andre Herms, Daniel Mahrenholz, GEA: A Method for Implementing and Testing of Event-driven Protocols
MeshNets 2005, 10. Juli 2005, Visegrad/Budapest, Hungary
M. Kanneberg,E. Nett : Roboter in der Ausbildung, Proceedings of microCAD 2005
10.-11. März 2005, Miskolc, Hungary.
Daniel Mahrenholz, Svilen Ivanov,
"Adjusting the ns-2 Emulation Mode to a
Live Network" KiVS'05,
Kaiserslautern Germany, 28.02. - 03.03.2005.
2004 nach oben
Mahrenholz, Svilen Ivanov, "Real-Time Network Emulation with
ns-2" Proceedings of The 8-th IEEE
International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real
Time Applications, Budapest Hungary, October 21-23,
M. Kanneberg, E. Nett: Roboter in der Ausbildung, III. Internationale
Maschinenbaukonferenz COMEC 2004, 9.-11.11.2004, Santa Clara, Cuba
Nett, E. and Schemmer, S. A Middleware Architecture to Support Cooperating Mobile Embedded Systems
in Proceedings of Workshop on Dependable Embedded Systems in conjuction with 23rd International Symposium on Reliable Distibuted Systems.
Oct. 17, 2004, Florianopolis, Brazil.
M. Deutscher, M. Katz, S. Krüger, M. Bajbouj Learning about the environment by analyzing acoustic information
How to achieve predictability in unknown environments? (Part II)
in Proceedings of CLAWAR 2004. 7th International Conference on Climbing and
Walking Robots, Sept. 22-24, 2004, Madrid, Spain.,11855,1-40106-22-50807816-0,00.html?changeHeader=true
Bade, R. and Herms, A. and Ihme T. Motion Planning for a Legged Vehicle Based on Optical Sensor Information. In Proceedings of CLAWAR 2004. 7th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, September 22 - 24, 2004, Madrid, Spain
Bade, R. and Deutscher-Tiemann, M. and Herms, A. Flexible Handling of System Software for Mobile Robots by using a Module Loader Concept. In Proceedings of Mechatronics & Robotics 2004. September 13 - 15, 2004. Aachen, Germany
Spiro Trikaliotis.
"Drängler im WLAN. Bandbreitenklau in Funknetzen."
Heise Security (online), 30.08.2004,, August 30, 2004, Magdeburg, Germany
Bade, R. and Ihme, T. Method for hierarchical stereo vision for spatial environment modelling supported by motion information. In Proceedings of Robotik 2004. VDI-Verlag, June 17 - 18, 2004. Munich, Germany
Nett, E. and Schemmer, S. An Architecture to Support Cooperating Mobile Embedded Systems. In Proc. 2004 ACM Computing Frontiers Conference, April 14. - 17. 2004, Ischia, Italy.
Spiro Trikaliotis.
WLAN-Feinschliff. Schnelleres Funknetz mit stabilerem Durchsatz.
c't Magazin für Computertechni, 06/2004, pp. 216-221.
Spiro Trikaliotis.
Utilizing Fault-Tolerance for Achieving QoS in Ad-hoc Networks.
Workshop Proceedings "Dependability and Fault-Tolerance", Organic and Pervasive Computing, International
Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2004),
Augsburg, Germany, March 23-26, 2004, pp. 66-75.
Becker, L.B., E. Nett, S. Schemmer , and M. Gergeleit. Robust Scheduling
in Team-Robotics. Journal of Systems and Software.
2003nach oben
S. and E.
Achieving Reliable and Timely Task Execution in
Mobile Embedded Applications.
In Proc. 9th IEEE International Workshop on
Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Systems (WORDS 2003F),
Capri Island,Italy. October 1-3, 2003
für die Schnellen. Sendezeitzuteilung bei WLANs
und ihre ererbten Probleme. c't Magazin für Computertechnik, 18/2003,
pp. 208-213.
M. Deutscher,
T. Ihme:
Safety by a Sensor-Based Timely Perception: An Interdisciplinary
Approach for Walking Robots. Teiltagung Sicherheit - Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit
der 33. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik
(Informatik 2003), 29. September
- 2. Oktober 2003, Frankfurt a.M., Deutschland
T. Ihme:
Körperbewegungen und verteilte Kraftmessung zur Ausführung
von technischen Operationen mit Laufrobotern.
6. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage:
Intelligente technische Systeme und Prozesse, 24. - 26. September 2003, Magdeburg,
Becker, L. B.,
S. Schemmer, and
E. Nett.
Using a Flexible Real-Time Scheduling Strategy
in a Distributed Embedded Application. In Proc. 9th IEEE International Conference
on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Lisbon, Portugal.
September 16-19, 2003
M.A. Deutscher,
Th. Ihme:
How to Achieve Predictability in Unknown Environments? An Interdisciplinary
Sensor Based Approach for Walking Robots. 6th International Conference on
Climbing and Walking Robots And the Support Technologies for Mobile
Machines (CLAWAR 2003). September
17-19, Catania, Italy
T. Ihme:
Posture Control and Distributed Force Sensing for Technical Applications
of Walking Robots. The 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics
(ICAR 2003), June 30 - July 3, 2003, Coimbra, Portugal
M. Gergeleit, L. Buss Becker,
E. Nett:
Robust Scheduling in Team-Robotics 11th International
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems
(WPDRTS 2003), in conjunction
with IPDPS 2003, April 22-24, 2003, Nizza, Frankreich
S. and E.
Nett (2003). Managing Dynamic Groups of Mobile Systems. In Proc. 6th
International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, Pisa, Italy.
April 9-11, 2003
E. and S.
Schemmer: Realizing Virtual Sensors by Distributed Multi-Level Sensor
Fusion. In Proc. 2003 International Workshop on Multi-Robot Systems, Washington,
D.C, Kluwever Academic Publishers. March 17-19, 2003
E. and S.
Schemmer: "Reliable Real-Time Communication in Cooperative Mobile Applications."
IEEE Transactions on Computers 52(2):166-180. Feb. 2003
2002nach oben
Kanneberg: Faszination Roboter, Broschüre der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität
Magdeburg Faszination Wissenschaft im Allee-Center und Forschungswoche
Ihme: Laufroboter - unsere Helfer von morgen? Broschüre der
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Faszination Wissenschaft
im Allee-Center und Forschungswoche 2002
M. Gergeleit u. R. Schumann: Gruppenkommunikation ohne Lücken
- Funk-WLAN und Echtzeit IEE - Automatisierung + Datentechnik, 47. Jahrgang
2002, Nr. S1, Hüthig Verlag
Nett, E. , S. Schemmer , and
M. Gergeleit .
Verlustraten im WLAN - Messungen beim RoboCup. Proc. Informatik 2002, Dortmund,
Germany, 30.09.-03.10.2002
Martin Gergeleit , Ralf Schumann: Techniken für den Einsatz
von IEEE 802.11 (WLAN) unter Echtzeitbedingungen SPS/IPC/Drives Kongress,
Nürnberg, 26.-28. Nov. 2002
E. Nett , M. Mock: A Recovery Model for Cooperative Computations
June 2002, Kapitel im Buch: Concurrency in Dependable Computing von
Paul Ezhilchelvan, Alexander Romanovsky; Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Bosten Hardbound, ISBN 1-4020-7043-8, S. 328 pp.
Martin Gergleit: Blauzahn stört WLAN-Kreise Computerwoche
extra 2/2002 - Netze und mobile Dienste, März 2002, ISSN 0935-1310,
Computerverlag GmbH, München 2002
S. Schemmer ,
T. Ihme ,
E. Nett : Kollisionsvermeidung durch Planung in räumlich
definierten, dynamischen Robotergruppen Robotik 2002 - Leistungsstand-Anwendungen-Visionen-Trends,
Tagung Ludwigsburg, 19. bis 20. Juni 2002. In Reihe: VDI-Berichte,
Bd. 1679, VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik. Düsseldorf:
VDI-Verl., 2002, S. 153-158. ISBN 3-18-091679-6
E. Nett: Rechnerunterstützte Kooperation von autonomen mobilen
Systemen Magdeburger Wissenschaftsjournal, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität
Magdeburg, Ausgabe 1/02, ISSN 0949-5304
S. Trikaliotis: Performanz eines fehlertoleranten WLAN-Gruppenkommunikationsprotokolls
bei Störungen durch Bluetooth Proc. ARCS 2002, Karlsruhe, Germany,
08.-12.04.2002, ISBN 3-8007-2686-6
Ihme, T.: Steuerung von sechsbeinigen Laufrobotern unter dem Aspekt
technischer Anwendungen. Dissertation. Magdeburg, 2002
E. Nett,
M. Gergeleit , M. Mock: Drahtlose Netze für Buisiness-Anwendungen
Buchtitel im Jahrbuch 2002 Datenkommunikation, H. Roessel, Hrsg.,
Addison-Welsey, 2001, S. 237-278
2001nach oben
L. B. Becker, M. Gergeleit;
Execution Environment for Dynamically Scheduling Real-Time Tasks
22nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2001), WIP-Session,
London, Dec. 3-6, 2001
M. Mock,
E. Nett,
S. Schemmer ; Drahtloses LAN im Feld: Lösungsansätze
auf der Basis von IEEE 802.11 Automatisierungstechnische Praxis (atp),
Ausgabe 9/2001, Oldenbourg Verlag
Stefan Schemmer ,
Edgar Nett , Michael Mock; Reliable Real-Time Cooperation
of Mobile Autonomous Systems In Proceedings 20th Symposium on Realiable
Distributed Systems (SRDS 2001), October 28-31, 2001, S. 238 - 246,
ISBN 0-7695-1366-2
Edgar Nett ,
Martin Gergeleit , Michael Mock; Mechanisms for
a Reliable Cooperation of Vehicles in Proceedings of the Sixth
International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE
2001), Boca Ration, Florida, Oct. 2001
M. Gergeleit ,
E. Nett,
S. Trikaliotis : Messung der gegenseitigen Störungen
von Funk-Netzwerken Die Jahrestagung der GI in Wien: Informatik 2001,
25. bis 28. September 2001
Ihme, T .;
Deutscher, M .: Design and Control Aspects for Six-legged
Walking Robots to Realize Adaptation to the Environment. In: Berns,
K.; Dillmann, R. (eds.): Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference
on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR 2001) - From Biology to Industrial
Applications. 24-26 September 2001, Karlsruhe, Germany. Professional
Engineering Publishing, Bury St Edmunds (u.a.), UK, 2001. pp. 627-634.
ISBN 1-86058-265-2
Michael Mock,
Stefan Schemmer ,
Edgar Nett ; Bewertung eines Echtzeit-Protokolls
zur Gruppenkommunikation auf WavelLAN und Windows NT GMA-Kongress 2001
"Automatisierungstechnik im Spannungsfeld neuer Technologien" der VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft
Mess- und Automatierungstechnik, Baden-Baden, 22./23.Mai 2001
L. B. Becker , M. Gergeleit ,
E. Nett , Approach for Implementing Object-Oriented
Real-Time Models on Top of Embedded Targets OMER-2 - Workshop on
Object-oriented Modeling of Embedded Real-time Systems, Herrsching
am Ammersee, Germany, May 10-12, 2001
Gergeleit, M. ;
Kanneberg, M. , Mindstorms
Tournament-A Hands-on Introduction to Cooperative Robotics.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Edutainment Robots 2000.GMD
Report 129, S. 13-14.2001
Eichen, R.;
Kanneberg, M. ; Meyer zur Heyde, M. und Müllerburg,
M. Der AROBIKS Workshop: Ziel,
Ablauf und Ergebnisse. In Abiturientinnen mit Robotern und
Informatik ins Studium - AROBIKS Workshop. Müllerburg, M. (Hrsg.).
GMD Report 128, S. 11-20. 2001.
Kanneberg, M. , Erfahrungen
mit dem LEGO Mindstorms Robotic Invention System (RIS) im studentischen
Softwarepraktikum und mit Schülerinnen aus Gymnasien.
In Abiturientinnen mit Robotern und Informatik ins Studium - AROBIKS
Workshop. Müllerburg, M. (Hrsg.). GMD Report 128, S. 11-20. 2001.
L. B. Becker ,
M. Gergeleit ,
E. Nett, C. E. Pereira:
An Integrated Environment for the Complete Development Cycle of an Object-Oriented
Distributed Real-Time System International Journal of
Computer Systems Science & Engineering, Vol 16 No 2 March 2001,
Special issue: ISORC '99, ISSN 0267 6192
E. Nett ,
M. Gergeleit , and M. Mock, Enhancing O-O Middleware
to become Time-Aware Special Issue on Real-Time Middleware
in Real-Time Systems, 20 (2): 211-228, March2001, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
ISSN- 0922-6443
Edgar Nett , Michael Mock,
Martin Gergeleit Buch:
Das drahtlose Ethernet; Der IEEE 802.11-Standard: Grundlagen
und Anwendung erschienen bei Addison-Wesley, Februar
2001, ISBN 3-8273-1741-X, 272 Seiten
2000nach oben
Mock, M., Frings, R.,
Nett, E. ,
Trikaliotis, S .,
Continuous Clock Synchronization in Wireless Real-Time Applications
, 19th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS),
Nürnberg, Germany, October 16-18, 2000.
Mock, M., Schemmer, S., and
Nett, E .
Evaluating a Wireless Real-Time Communication Protocol on Windows
NT and WaveLAN . In Proceedings of WFCS'2000 3rd IEEE
International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, Porto, Portugal,
September, 2000
M. Mock and
E. Nett, Integrating Hard and Soft Real-Time Communication
in Autonomous Robot System Special Issue on Autonomous Decentralized
Systems of the IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E83-B, No.
5, pp. 1067-1074, 2000.
M. Mock, R. Frings,
E. Nett ,
S. Trikaliotis . Clock Synchronization for Wireless
Local Area Networks 12th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems,
Stockholm, June 2000.
Ihme, T .: Kombination von Schreitzyklen und Körperbewegung
bei einem sechsbeinigen Laufroboter. Robotik 2000: Leistungsstand
- Anwendungen - Visionen - Trends; Tagung Berlin, 29. und 30. Juni 2000.
Fachtagung Robotik 2000. Düsseldorf: VDI-Verl., 2000, S. 515-522.
Ihme, T.:
Realisierung eines verteilten Steuerungssystems für einen
Laufroboter . In: Ch. Döschner (Hrsg.): Verteilte Automatisierung
- Modelle und Methoden für Entwurf, En-gineering und Instrumentierung.
Magdeburg, 22. bis 23. März 2000. Fachtagung 2000.
M. Mock,
M. Gergeleit ,
E. Nett:
Monitoring Distributed Real-Time Activities in DCOM
3nd IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed
Computing (ISORC'2K), Newport Beach, Ca., USA, March 15-17, 2000
Sandrini, F., Di Giandomenico F., Bondavalli, A.,
Nett, E. Scheduling Solutions for the Integrated
Tolerance to Value and Timing Faults 3nd IEEE International Symposium
on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC'2K), Newport
Beach, Ca., USA, March 15-17, 2000.
M. Mock and
E. Nett ,
On the coordination of Autonomous Systems 5th
IEEE International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems,
Monterey, 1999 (proceedings published in 2000).
1999nach oben
Edgar Nett: Windows CE and Real Time - More than
a Marketing Message? I Seminário Nacional de Controle e Automação,
Industrial, Elétrica e de Telecomunicações,
Salvador, Brasilien, Nov. 10 - 12, 1999
Martin Gergeleit and
Edgar Nett :
JewelNT: Monitoring of Distributed Real-Time Application on Windows
NT Proceedings of the 3rd Annual IASTED International Conference
on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA'99), Scottsdale, Arizona,
USA, October 6-8, 1999, pp. 325-328, ISBN 0-88986-273-7
Martin Gergeleit: JRPC: Connecting Java Applications
with Legacy ONC RPC Servers (Slides)
, Informatik Aktuell, Springer, Tagungsband der JIT'99 - Java-Informations-Tage
1999, Düsseldorf, 20. 9. - 21. 9. 1999, Seiten 149 - 160, ISBN
Michael Mock, Reiner Frings,
Edgar Nett :
An Approach to Fault Tolerant Clock Synchronization for Wireless Local
Area Networks Proceedings of the 15. GI/ITG-Fachtagung
ARCS'99: Architektur von Rechnersystemen, Jena, Oct 4.-7., 1999, Seiten
61-67, Druck: Universität Jena, ISSN 0949-3042
M. Mock,
E. Nett , S. Schemmer:
Efficient Reliable Real-Time Group Communication for Wireless Local
Area Networks Third European Dependable Computing
Conference EDCC-3, Prague, Czech Republic, Sep. 15-17, 1999, Seiten
380-397, ISBN 3-540-66483-1, Springer,
L. B. Becker ,
M. Gergeleit ,
E. Nett, C. E. Pereira:
An Integrated Environment for the Complete Development Cycle of an Object-Oriented
Distributed Real-Time System 2nd IEEE International
Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC'99),
Saint-Malo, France, May 2 - 5, 1999, Seiten 165-171, ISBN 0-7695-0207-5
Michael Mock,
Edgar Nett :
Real-Time Communication in Autonomous Robot Systems
The Fourth International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems
(ISADS'99), Tokyo, Japan, March 21-23, 1999, Seiten 34 - 41, ISBN 0-7695-0137-0
Martin Gergeleit ,
Edgar Nett, Jörg Fitzner:
On-line Prediction of Execution Times - A Basis for Adaptive Scheduling
Fourth International Workshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable
Systems, Santa Barbara, California, February 1999, ISBN 0-7695-0101-X,
Seiten 186 - 194