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am Mittwoch, dem 10. Dezember 2003, fand das Habilitationskolloquium zur Erlangung der Venia Legendi in INFORMATIK

von Herrn Dr. rer. nat. Michael Mock, Habilitand an der Fakultät für Informatik, Institut für Verteilte Systeme statt.

    Thema der Habilitationsschrift:
    On the Real-Time Cooperation of Autonomous Systems


    Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kruse, FIN-IWS

    1. Gutachter:
    Prof. Dr. Edgar Nett, FIN-IVS

    2. Gutachter:
    Prof. Dr. K. H. Kim, University of California

    3. Gutachter:
    Prof. Dr. Miroslaw Malek, HU Berlin

    Prof. Dr. Jana Dittmann, FIN-ITI

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am 12. Oktober 2004 hielt Herr Prof. Dr. Andrea Bondavalli von der University of Firenze Faculty of Science,I-50134 Firenze, (Italien) einen Vortrag zum Thema
"Quantitative Analysis through Modeling of Large Scale Telecommunication Systems"

    This talk deals with the quantitative analysis of large scale telecommunication systems, focusing on the GPRS technology. A congestion analysis of a simple GPRS network , composed by two cells partially overlapping, is first presented. In particular, we consider that one of the two cells is affected by an outage and we analyze the effectiveness of applying a class of congestion treatment techniques. The effectiveness of a reconfiguration action is evaluated in terms of indicators that represent the Quality of Service (QoS) perceived by the users in the congested cells. In the second part of this talk, we extend the congestion analysis to a more complex GPRS infrastructure composed by N cells partially overlapping. In order to efficiently solve this complex scenario, we introduce a resolution technique that overcomes the system complexity problem by decomposing the overall model in a set of more simple and easier to solve models.

    Prof. Dr. Andrea Bondavalli

am 02. September 2004 hielt Herr Prof. Dr. Leandro Buss Becker von der Universidale Federal de Santa Catarina of Florianópolis; (Brasilien) einen Vortrag zum Thema
"Impact of Real-Time Scheduling Algorithms on Design of Embedded Applications"

    This work evaluates how distinct real-time task scheduling algorithms impact embedded systems design, considering issues like performance, energy consumption, timing response, and memory occupation. This study shows that the designer can adjust the energy consumption of the system by tuning the CPU frequency according to the scheduling algorithm and to the temporal requirements of the embedded application. The goal is to find an optimized configuration, selecting the right combination of scheduling policy with CPU frequency, in order to consume less energy without missing any deadline in the application. Experiments based on a synthetic workload that simulates realistic applications demonstrate that considerable energy savings (up to 18%) can be obtained by using the EDF algorithm. The work also discusses in which situations RM performs better than EDF. Moreover, the work defines guidelines to be used by system designers in order to find a configuration that best matches the design constraints and requirements.

    Leandro Buss Becker

am 04.12.2002 hielt Herr Prof. Carlos Eduaro Pereira von der Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brasilien) einen Vortrag zum Thema
"Distributed real-time object computing"

    The talk gives an overview on research being carried on at the Automation Lab of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, mainly focusing on the use of real-time distributed objects to the development of industrial automation applications. The group has an extensive experience in applying object-oriented concepts (with real-time extensions) as a theoretical basis for modeling, simulation, and implementation of real-time distributed computer-based architectures.

    The talk will also present the Adoorata project, an ongoing collaborative research project between Germany and Brazil, which includes GCAR/UFRGS and University of Magdeburg.

    Prof. Pereira und Prof. Nett



  • Dr.-Ing. Daniel Mahrenholz

    verteidigte am 02.05.2006 seine Dissertation zum Thema
    "Providing QoS for Publish/ Subscribe Communication in Dynamic Ad-Hoc Networks "

  • Dr.-Ing. Stefan Schemmer
  • Dr.-Ing. Thomas Ihme

    verteidigte am 21.03.2002 seine Dissertation zum Thema
    "Steuerung von sechsbeinigen Laufrobotern unter dem Aspekt technischer Anwendungen"

  • Dr.-Ing. Martin Gergeleit