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Video Demonstrations of Ongoing Projects

Mobile Robot Control via Publish/Subscribe Communication over a WMN

April 2008

This video shows the advantage of Publish/Subscribe Communication on top of a Wireless Mesh Network for easy teleoperation of mobile robots.

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Related Publications:

Publish/Subscribe Middleware für Selbstorganisierende Drahtlose Multi-Hop-Netzwerke
André Herms and Michael Schulze, Workshop über Selbstorganisierende, Adaptive, Kontextsensitive verteilte Systeme, Wiesbaden, Germany, March, 2008

XALF - Cross-Layer Accelerated Link Failure Detection

March 2009

This video shows how the integration of MAC layer information into the Wireless Mesh Routing layer can improve the reliability and real-time capabilites of a WMN.

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Related Publications:


Zuverlässige Drahtlose Mesh-Netzwerke

April 2009

Drahtlose Mesh-Netzwerke sind günstiger und flexibler als WLAN-Infrastrukturnetze, jedoch i. A. weniger zuverlässig. Der Vortrag zeigt, wie durch spezielle Maßnahmen unterbrechungsfreie Kommunikation ermöglicht wird, und demonstriert die Ergebnisse anhand der Teleoperation eines Roboters.

Reliable Wireless Mesh Networks: Compared to typical WLAN infrastructure networks, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) are cheaper and more flexible. However, they do not provide the same level of reliability. The presentation shows what measures can be taken to allow interruption free robot teleoperation over a WMN.

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Verwandte Arbeiten:

Vortragsfolien der Präsentation (PDF, 5.2MB)

Fraunhofer-Talent-School 2009

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Software Projekt WS 0910

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