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Seminar: New Application Areas of Wireless LANs

WPF CVM, CSM from 1. Sem., WPF CV, IF, INGIF, WIF from 5. Sem.

German version

Meeting for organisation and preliminary discussion: tuesday 4.4.2006, 3p.m. - 5p.m. in G29.412

The seminar will take place in G29.408/409 every wednesday from 3p.m. until 5p.m., upon agreement.


Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) win an increasing importance in our every-day life. By using practical examples, this seminar will on the one hand show where MANETs are already being used, and what kind of technology is applied. On the other hand we will consider future technologies, which are being introduced in WLANs and in mobile ad-hoc networks. These will range from new transmission technologies, through security aspects, upto new location-aware services, based on localisation algorithms.

Areas of Interest

  • Application areas for MANETs
  • Real application scenarios of MANETs (Freifunk Berlin, ...)
  • Platforms for MANET-Deployment (OpenWrt, MeshCube, HorstBox ;))
  • Deployed transmission technologies (WiFi, MiMo, WiMax, ...)
  • Location-dependent Routing
  • Quality of service (QoS)
  • Security
  • Mobile Code
  • Localization in wireless networks



The exact seminar topics will be assigned to the students at the first meeting. Each student has to give a 30-minute presentation, and a seminar-paper up to two weeks after the presentation. Both the presentation and the seminar-paper have to show her/his ability to do a scientific work.

Contact: aherms