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Projekte : Dienstgütegarantien für Wireless Mesh NetworksProjektdetails
BeschreibungDrahlose Mesh-Netzwerke erlauben die einfache und kostengünstige Vernetzung. Grundlage bildet der Wireless LAN Standard (WiFi) mit entsprechenden Modifikationen. Die existierenden Lösungen bieten eine Kommunikation auf Best-Effort-Basis an, d.h. es gibt keine Zusicherungen für die Auslieferung von Daten. Dies ist insbesondere problematisch für Anwendungen wie Internet-Telefonie oder Multimedia-Übertragung. Durch Bereitstellung von Dienstgütegarantien sollen die Verwendbarkeit derartiger Applikationen verbessert werden. Verwandte ProjekteDas Projekt basiert auf Vorabeiten aus dem AWDS-Projekt. Veröffentlichungen
A Pragmatic Approach for QoS in Wireless Multihop Networks In this paper we present a QoS routing protocol for IEEE-802.11 based mesh networks.The main challenge for providing
QoS in terms of bandwidth and latency is that the medium is shared between all nodes in close range, which complicates reservation of medium time. Furthermore, the use of standard compliant hardware components requires an integration of the existing medium access mechanism, which is designed for best-effort communication only. A cluster-based structure is used for representing the local domains of the shared medium and allowing reservation of medium time. On top of this reservation an optimistic reactive algorithm is used for discovery and reservation of routes that fulfil the application specified QoS requirements. Simulation results are presented that prove the correctness of this approach. @inproceedings{cite:Herms2007a, author = {Andr\'e Herms and Georg Lukas}, title = {A Pragmatic Approach for QoS in Wireless Multihop Networks}, booktitle = {Proceedings of WinsSys '07}, year = {2007} }
Real-Time Mesh Networks for Industrial Automation @inproceedings{cite:Herms2007b, author = {Andr\'e Herms and Stefan Schemmer and Georg Lukas}, title = {Real-Time Mesh Networks for Industrial Automation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {SPS/IPC/DRIVES, Elektrische Automatisierung, Systeme und Komponenten} '07}, year = {2007} }
Measurement-Based Detection of Interfering Neighbors for QoS in Wireless Mesh Networks Communication in wireless mesh networks based on the IEEE~802.11 WLAN standard is mainly governed by the carrier sensing based medium access. Knowledge about, which nodes influence each other, can improve the performance and is essential for QoS provision in terms of bandwidth guarantees. However, until now only approximations for the determination of station in carrier sense range are used. We present an exact solution by measuring the carrier sense in static wireless mesh networks. Simulation studies and measurements are done that verify the correctness of the protocol and reveal some significant properties of the carrier sense. It is shown that the carrier sense relation is neither strict nor symmetric in the general case, in opposite to the assumptions normally found in literature. We further conclude that for evaluation better simulation models are required that match these properties.
@inproceedings{cite:Herms2007, author = {Andr\'e Herms and Georg Lukas and Svilen Ivanov}, title = {Measurement-Based Detection of Interfering Neighbors for QoS in Wireless Mesh Networks}, booktitle = {Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, 2007. 16th IST}, year = {2007}, url = {http://ivs.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/EuK/forschung/publikationen/pdf/2007/interf-mobilesummit2007.pdf}, doi = {10.1109/ISTMWC.2007.4299081} }
Precise Admission Control for Bandwidth Reservation in Wireless Mesh Networks @inproceedings{cite:Herms2007c, author = {Andr\'e Herms and Svilen Ivanov and Georg Lukas}, title = {Precise Admission Control for Bandwidth Reservation in Wireless Mesh Networks}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 4th Intl. Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks {MASS'07}}, year = {2007} } |