| IVS | Faculty of Computer Science | O.-v.-G.-University Magdeburg|

Real-Time Systems and Communication


M.Sc. Svilen Ivanov

Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg
Institute for Distributed Systems
Universitätsplatz 2
D-39106 Magdeburg

Building 29 Room 402
Tel: (+49) 391 67-11633
Fax: (+49) 391 67-11161

E-Mail: svilen(at)ivs(dot)cs(dot)uni-magdeburg(dot)de
Please replace "(at)" with "@" and "(dot)" with ".". Thank you.

Svilen Ivanov Portrait

Research Interests

Network Simulation and Emulation

Localization of Mobile Devices in Wireless Networks

Research Projects

Ns-2 emulation extensions

Validation of wireless ns-2

Coverage planning in infrastructure wireless networks (German)

Scientific Publications (refereed)

Svilen Ivanov, André Herms, Georg Lukas
Experimental Validation of the ns-2 Wireless Model using Simulation, Emulation, and Real Network
In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (WMAN'07) in conjunction with the 15th ITG/GI - Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS'07), 26. Februar - 2. March 2007 in Bern, Switzerland, (Presentation slides)
VDE Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8007-2980-7, pp. 433-444.

André Herms, Georg Lukas, Svilen Ivanov
Realism in Design and Evaluation of Wireless Routing Protocols
In Proceedings of First international Workshop on Mobile Services and Personalized Environments (MSPE'06)

Daniel Mahrenholz, Svilen Ivanov, "Adjusting the ns-2 Emulation Mode to a Live Network", KiVS'05, Kaiserslautern Germany, 28.02. - 03.03.2005.

Daniel Mahrenholz, Svilen Ivanov, "Real-Time Network Emulation with ns-2", Proceedings of The 8-th IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, Budapest Hungary, October 21-23, 2004.

Scientific Publications (internal)

Svilen Ivanov. "Literaturübersicht und Forschungsrichtungen in dem Bereich: Lokalisierung von Mobilen Geräten in IEEE 802.11 Drahtlosen Netzen". Praktikumsbericht im Rahmen vom 100-Jahre-Rotary Jubiläumsprogramm: "Studienstipendien für mittel- und osteuropäische Studierende in Deutschland". August, 2006.

Svilen Ivanov, "Distributed Simulation of Wireless Networks with ns-2", Master's Thesis, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, 2005.

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